Join us ! Post-doc position available
A post-doc position is available in the group.
Project. CD4+ T follicular helper (Tfh) cells are essential for inducing efficient humoral responses. In mice, Tfh polarisation is orientated by dendritic cells (DC). Which human antigen-presenting cells are involved in Tfh differentiation has remained unclear. We recently found that human tonsil cDC2 and CD14+ macrophages are the best inducers of Tfh polarisation. This ability is intrinsic to the cDC2 lineage but tissue-dependent for macrophages. We further showed that tonsil CD14+ macrophages localize in situ in the B cell follicles where they can interact with Tfh cells (Durand et al, 2019). Our results indicate that human lymphoid organ cDC2 and macrophages play complementary roles in the induction of Tfh responses. We now want to better understand the cross-talk between tonsil macrophages and Tfh cells, in health and in the context of B cell lymphoma.
Candidate profile. We are looking for a qualified, intellectually curious and highly motivated candidate holding a Ph.D. in biology, preferably in immunology. Familiarity with the following techniques will be an advantage but is not mandatory: flow cytometry, cell culture, and microscopy. Strong organizational and communication skills and independence are essential. Written and spoken English is mandatory. Salary will be dependent on diploma and experience.
Application. Opened until filled. Start date : September 2019.
Please send CV, motivation letter and contact details of at least two persons able to provide references to elodie.segura(at)curie.fr
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Project. CD4+ T follicular helper (Tfh) cells are essential for inducing efficient humoral responses. In mice, Tfh polarisation is orientated by dendritic cells (DC). Which human antigen-presenting cells are involved in Tfh differentiation has remained unclear. We recently found that human tonsil cDC2 and CD14+ macrophages are the best inducers of Tfh polarisation. This ability is intrinsic to the cDC2 lineage but tissue-dependent for macrophages. We further showed that tonsil CD14+ macrophages localize in situ in the B cell follicles where they can interact with Tfh cells (Durand et al, 2019). Our results indicate that human lymphoid organ cDC2 and macrophages play complementary roles in the induction of Tfh responses. We now want to better understand the cross-talk between tonsil macrophages and Tfh cells, in health and in the context of B cell lymphoma.
Candidate profile. We are looking for a qualified, intellectually curious and highly motivated candidate holding a Ph.D. in biology, preferably in immunology. Familiarity with the following techniques will be an advantage but is not mandatory: flow cytometry, cell culture, and microscopy. Strong organizational and communication skills and independence are essential. Written and spoken English is mandatory. Salary will be dependent on diploma and experience.
Application. Opened until filled. Start date : September 2019.
Please send CV, motivation letter and contact details of at least two persons able to provide references to elodie.segura(at)curie.fr
Pdf version
Published on : 24/04/2019