article image Our latest work presented at the SFI 2021 meeting Our latest work was presented at the annual meeting of the French Society of Immunology. A great opportunity to share our work with our peers. Congratulations to our PhD student Javiera and post-doc A... article image The Segura Lab visits a highschool for the Declics The Segura Lab participates this year in the outreach program Declics (more information ) to discuss with highschool students at Lycée Lamartine in Paris on the construction of scientific knowledge a... article image New publication in PNAS Our work on the impact of pathogen recognition on monocyte differentiation is now published in the prestigious journal PNAS. Click to read the article.... article image Fellowship Congratulations to our PhD student Javiera Villar for obtaining a fellowship from Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale to fund her 4th year of PhD. This support will allow us to unravel novel regulat... article image Elodie Segura awarded a grant from Amgen Elodie Segura has been awarded a grant from the 'Fonds Amgen France pour la Science et l'Humain' to continue understanding the role of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor in anti-tumoral responses (press releas... article image New publication in Frontiers in Immunology Our review on the "Modulation of Immune Responses by Nutritional Ligands of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor" is now published in Frontiers in Immunology. You can read the article ... article image Elodie Segura joins the Editorial Board of EJI The European Journal of Immunology () covers since 1971 basic, translational and clinical immunology research. The Editorial Board is composed of active researchers in the field. Elodie Segura was inv... article image New publication in Molecular Immunology Our review "Antigen presentation by mouse monocyte-derived cells: Re-evaluating the concept of monocyte-derived dendritic cells" is now published in Molecular Immunology. The article can be ... article image Elodie Segura selected as 'EMBO Young Investigator Elodie Segura has been selected as member of the 'EMBO Young Investigator' program that aims at fostering the next generation of leading life scientists. More information ... article image New publication in Trends in Immunology Our review on the heterogeneity of human dendritic cell subsets is now published in Trends in Immunology. Click to access the article.... article image Fellowship Congratulations to our PhD student Alice Coillard for obtaining a fellowship from Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale to fund her 4th year of PhD. This support will allow us to unravel new aspects o... article image Commentary published in Immunity We were invited by the editors of Immunity to comment two recently published articles on the new human DC3 population. Click to read the article.... article image New publication in Molecular Immunology Our review on the recent advances on human dendritic cell development is now published in Molecular Immunology. You can read the article .... article image New publication in iScience Our work on identifying novel markers for human monocyte-derived DC is now published in iScience, an open-access interdisciplinary journal of Cell Press. Click to read our article.... article image Our latest work presented at the EMDS2019 meeting Our PhD student Alice Coillard presented her work at the joint meeting of CFCD and EMDS in Marseille. Congratulations on a very nice presentation in front of a crowd of 400 researchers from the macrop... article image New publication in Frontiers in Immunology Our review on "In vivo differentiation of human monocytes" is now online in Frontiers in Immunology as part of a special Research Topic on "Monocyte heterogeneity and function". Cl... article image Our article on the cover of JEM Our article has been chosen to be on the cover of the issue of Journal of Experimental Medecine. We are proud to illustrate the cover with one of the images generated by our collaborator Thomas Walte... article image Highschool intern in the lab Again this year, we hosted a highschool student for a short internship in the lab. During the week, Paul had the opportunity to learn how to perform a Western Blot with Javiera.... article image New publication in Journal of Experimental Medecin The work of our former PhD student Mélanie Durand is now published in the Journal of Experimental Medecine : "Human lymphoid organ cDC2 and macrophages play complementary roles in T follicular h... article image Join us ! Post-doc position available A post-doc position is available in the group. Project. CD4+ T follicular helper (Tfh) cells are essential for inducing efficient humoral responses. In mice, Tfh polarisation is orientated by dendr...