article image Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship Congratulations to our post-doc Alba De Juan for obtaining a prestigious Marie Sklodowska-Curie post-doctoral fellowship from the European Commission. Thanks to this support, we will continue our work... article image Our contribution to the Immunity Community The group is happy to join the "Immunity Community" photo gallery. ... article image New publication in Nature Communications The work of our recently graduated PhD student Tsing-Lee Tang has just been published in Nature Communications : "Human in vivo-generated monocyte-derived dendritic cells and macrophages cross-pr... article image New publication in Bio-protocol Our protocol "Visualization of RNA at the Single Cell Level by Fluorescent in situ Hybridization Coupled to Flow Cytometry" is published in Bio-protocol. The article can be accessed here : .... article image The lab participates in the Science Academie progr The 'Science Académie' program from not-for-profit organisation offers the opportunity to highschool students to spend a few days in a research lab to assist a researcher in their work. This year,... article image New publication in Seminars in Cell and Developmen Our review on "Human in vivo-differentiated monocyte-derived dendritic cells" is online in Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology. .... article image New publication in Immunity Our latest research has just been published in the prestigious journal . Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor controls monocyte differentiation into dendritic cells versus macrophages How monocyte fate is di... article image 'ANR Jeune Chercheur' grant Elodie Segura has been awarded a 'ANR Jeune Chercheur' grant from Agence Nationale de la Recherche. This grant will allow us to pursue our research on the ontogeny of monocyte-derived cells and how ...